Leibster Award!
Leibster, (Leibste) meaning kindest, dearest, beloved, cute, endearing in German.
Well, thank you...I haven't been called so many nice things in quite some time.
The Liebster Award is a blogger to blogger, peer award, used to highlight up and coming, smaller, lesser known blogs that are less than 6 months old and have less than 200 followers. Liebster is an award that you accept with an intention of paying it forward.
I was nominated by Amy at Commona-my house. Amy has a lovely decorating blog that totally appeals to my sense of style. I am grateful and honored to have been nominated by her. Thank you, Amy.
When you accept your Leibster, you must pay it forward and nominate other bloggers that you would like to award.
So, here are the guidelines for the award:
1. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
2. Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
3. Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
4. Choose 11 new blogs you love and link them in your post.
5. Please leave me a comment on this post with the URL to your Liebster post so I can learn more about you!
My 11 random things:
1. I hate catsup
2. Totally FREAKED out by cream corn
3. I once peed in a urinal (not an easy task)
4. I HATE math not all math just the math that has letters
5. I miss High school
6. I wore the same bright yellow running shoes for 10 years
7. We had a burn and burial for these shoes
8. Favorite band Journey
9. I’ve had the same best friend since I was 12
10. The first 8 years of our friendship we fought more than we got along
11. I love gardening!
- What is your dream home? My dream home is a place with 5-10 acres where my family can live off the land (as much as possible)
- What is your favorite song and why? Proud to be an American by Lee Greenwood, for me this song brings back strong memories. As a kid I remember standing on the side of the highway waving a flag welcoming home returning soldiers from Desert storm Lee’s moving song was always playing in the background.
- Who is your celebrity design alter ego? (ex: Nate Berkus, Martha Stewart, Holly Becker @ Decor8, etc). I totally aspire to be like most of these wonderful people especially Martha (except the whole prison thing) alter ego I wish.
- What is your favorite blog post you have ever done and why? Hmm... A few weeks back I posted a letter to my daughter titled Dear Payton. This post was perfect in the moment and expressed how much I truly adore my beautiful little girl.
- What are 3 of your favorite blogs and why do you love them? 1. Natural mama- I am a little bit crunchy and totally proud of it! I have learned so much from Genevieve. Blissful and Domestic, Danielle is an amazing mother and homemaker. I am in awe of her ability to stretch her tiny budget into a comfortable life. SAHMaegan, I’m not so sure how to explain this one... I just love what Maegan writes. From the first time reading her I was locked. She also reminds me of my aunt.
- How long have you been blogging and why did you start? I have been blogging since August. I decided to start a blog as a way of self expression. I tend to keep my emotions and feelings to myself my blog has helped me open up to the world.
- "I'll ----------- if it's the last thing I do". Have a mini farm where we grow the food that feeds our family.
- Best vintage or decor find of all time? I found a beautiful Queen Ann style buffet for $40 on craigslist. We painted said buffet navy and now use it for our TV.
- What is a home trend that you have tried/followed that you've regretted?
Painted drop cloth window treatments... (they just didn’t turn out how I wanted... the paint made them stiff).
- Who is your favorite author? I am a sucker for anything Nicholas Sparks, his love stories get me every time.
11. Favorite Pattern? ? good question.
Blog LOVE time
11 blogs I nominate:
- April @ Cheatham chatter
- Jackie @ City Girl Finding Her Place in the World
11 questions for the nominees to answer:
1. What is your dream home?
2. What is your favorite song and why?
3. Who is your celebrity design alter ego? (ex: Nate Berkus, Martha Stewart, Holly Becker @ Decor8, etc).
4. What is your favorite blog post you have ever done and why?
5. What are 3 of your favorite blogs and why do you love them?
6. How long have you been blogging and why did you start?
7. "I'll ----------- if it's the last thing I do".
8. Best vintage or decor find of all time?
9. What is a home trend that you have tried/followed that you've regretted?
10. Who is your favorite author?
11. Favorite Pattern?
Nominees: Please leave me a comment below with your Liebster post, so I can read up on you!
Can't wait to read your posts!!!
Thank you again Amy this is a great honor for me and Sweet Pea Pod!!
I'm honored to be a Leibster!