
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I have a favorite kid.

Yep, you read that right! I have a favorite kid.
Most parents aren't willing to admit it. They say things like I love them all the same yatta yatta. Yea I love my kids and I even love them all the same but still I have a favorite kid. And thats okay.

I have a favorite kid to have a conversation with. My oldest has always been “old” for her age. Able to carry and understand conversations beyond her years. I love talking with her. She shows and teaches me so much every day.

I have a favorite kid to snuggle with. My middle man has always been my snuggler. He has always been the first to crawl up in my lap and get comfy. The other two will occasionally try to lay with me but they are all feet and elbows. Preston just has a way of melting his body into mine.

I have a favorite kid to make me smile. The “baby” as I call him is so funny. Man that boy can make a british guard laugh. I think the best part is he doesn't even realize that he's so dang funny, he's just busy being him.

So yep there you have it. I put it out there for all the world to see I HAVE A FAVORITE kid.

So, now lets be honest do you have a favorite? Do you think your parents had a favorite?


  1. This is such a cute post! I think I'm my mom's favorite to argue with but also the one she loves to shop for. ;)



    1. I would for sure say I am my moms favorite to argue with! And my brother could do no wrong in her eyes! Every relationship is different.
