
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wyatt's day

Sometimes imaginable things happen in this world. They happen everyday. Yet they seldom hit home. This week has hit. My heart is saddened and I know I will spend most of today reflecting on the life and joy I have with my own children.

On Tuesday afternoon, an armed man boarded a school bus killed the driver and took a small child hostage. It is now Thursday morning and the child is still being held in an underground bunker type shelter. This is all happening just a few short miles away from where I live in Alabama. In times like this we tend to ask God why then we pray.

3 years ago today something completely imaginable happened and to someone I once knew. Someone, I once knew is kind a strange way to describe a person but thats it, Katie and I grew up together, went to school together, played together, we also didn’t talk much after entering high school. She was someone I once knew.

The point of this post isn’t to dredge up the past but to remember Wyatt, pray for Katie and to remind myself to hold my little ones a little bit longer today.

Today we celebrate Wyatt’s day! Katie and hundreds of supporters like me will release blue and brown balloons for a little boy who should be here today.

You can read Katie and Wyatt's story here.

Please if you do take the time to read the story take the time to reflect on your own life and if you can make it happen over the weekend release balloons for your own children or for Wyatt or the small child in the bunker whichever you choose. Please if you do release balloons take a picture and email me. Katie keeps track of all the balloons released in Wyatt's name.

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