
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Now thats what I call food

I love to cook. I am by no means a chef and I really wouldn't even call myself a great cook more like a magician. I manage to take really awesome healthy ingredients and turn them into things my kids will eat. Hello success. And sometimes you have to share pictures of those amazing dishes.
This salad has all the usual salad items baby butter lettuce, spinach, sunflower seeds, chi chi beans, tomato, mushrooms, carrots, but I also added some of my favorite salad kicker uppers strawberries and blue berries. It was delicious this I know because everyone including my 2 year old asked for more. Although not pictured I paired the salad with a poppy seed vinaigrette.

1 comment:

  1. Being able to turn something healthy in to something the kids will eat is an amazing skill, one which I unfortunately do not have haha!
    That salad looks amazing!
