
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Oh Christmas tree

I love the way a lit Christmas tree looks. The lights beaming and reflecting brings life to the green teepee shaped object in my living room.

Round ornaments hold a special place in my heart, a childhood memory. My grams tends to like things matchy matchy. I cant remember the year but judging from the awful color of mauve I’d guess mid ‘90’s. Grams had this crazy idea to get her ball ornaments and spray paint them mauve to match her couch! We took off the top piece put pencils inside held the stick and sprayed away. I hated the process then and now thinking back they were ugly. For years after, anytime you went for a pencil it was painted a lovely shade of 90’s mauve. They weren’t all bad because its 20 years later I still remember them and the process.

I like memory trees. Don’t get me wrong you can do amazing things and make trees look beautiful with colored round balls (probably not mauve painted ones). I like to use the balls as filler. I love ornaments or different shapes, size and meaning.

Each morning when I get up I turn on the tree’s lights as take a minute too look at it in all its beauty. Baby’s firsts, handmade, ones from my old job, and a few really special ones my mom has given me from when I was a kid (if you look closely at the pictures there’s one dated 1985). I love memory trees, trees that you can look at and see a family.

So how do you do your tree? Balls, memories or something else?


  1. I always did balls with a couple of little things here and there on our tree, but my fiance's family does the coolest thing. Every year they ALWAYS recieve 2 or 3 ornaments from their mom, to recognize things they accomplished or loved that year. We love always taking out the ornaments and going through the memories! It's such a great tradition, and cannot wait to do with our kids!

    1. That is such an awesome idea. Definitely something I'm going to think about doing. Thank you for the idea.

  2. We are totally memory trees too! I like to add new ornaments now and then, but it's all about seeing old treasured friends every year!

    1. This year I am planning on adding a few from our home away from home here in Alabama. In 20 years Ill be glad and it will remind me of all the wonderful people I've gotten to know.

  3. Just like you, lots of memories. I loved seeing some of your ornaments up close and personal. Trees filled with memories are the most beautiful kind of yours!

    1. Thank you Amy. I agree the memories defiantly make the tree beautiful.

  4. I've alwasy wanted to do that but the dogs knocked over our tree and broke nearly all my ornaments 2 years ago so I'm sort of glad I've never done it... it would have been just too sad
