
Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekend review complete with heartbreak

We had a great weekend around the Miller house.

Saturday was a busy day like most. We shopped, we ate and someone got a heartbreaking haircut.

We recently got a Buffalo Wild wings in a nearby town which is awesome to me, it happens to be one of my favorite hangout spots. No, I don’t think the foods is all that but it does have one great thing going for it. It’s loud inside their restaurants. Loudness isn’t typically something that draws people in but with three kids this can be great. The loudness factor can determine whether my hubby and I get to have a relaxing and fun meal.
The kids had a really good time and they were really good too! Plus it was 75 degrees in December so we got to sit outside!

For weeks my husband has been trying to talk me into cutting the little ones hair. I kept putting it off and making up excuses. I never had this issue with our first two I’d cut and cut no big deal. For some reason it breaks my heart to cut Coopers. It’s just so stinking cute long.

But after my husband put up the argument about it constantly being in his eyes I went ahead and cut it. ☹

I don’t hate it. It didn’t turn out bad but don’t you just miss those curls. It also seems as if I cut his blond off.

There was also this yummy breakfast pizza (recipe soon to follow)


  1. Ah is hair!! I think he looks adorable with it cut:) NIce job momma!

    By the way we love BWW! We should all go sometime!

  2. Very Cute little kids! That pizza looks REALLY GOOD!

  3. Your children are adorable, and your son's hair looks cute both ways! My two year old hasn't gotten a hair cut yet, and not sure when we are going to do it!

