
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The business of money

This may very well be one of my favorite posts I write all year. It’s December so along with holiday planning we do a family planning meeting each year. We are just about 2.5 years into the Dave Ramsey total money makeover. This has changed our lives. Just the other day my husband and I sat down with our 2013 financial information. We set our budget! We set our goals! This is the year we will finally get to say WE ARE COMPLETELY DEBT FREE! (Yes, the capitals are totally necessary. We will be screaming this from the rooftops.)

It has been a long process from where we were to where we are now and every second has been more than worth it. The end is so close I can taste it! In the past two years we have paid off almost 100k in consumer debt that included: credit cards, student loans and cars. We now live on a lean budget well below our income.

Every December we sit down and write our financial goals out and put them up where we can read and reexamine them all the time.

We read the book Total Money Makeover, please I suggest if you have ever made or spent a dollar in your life you should read it.

We got the Financial Peace University plan (we were unable to attend at the local church hubby was deployed).


We started slashing and saving. We rethought every area in our lives. We knew this was something we truly had to do.

I got this wonderful wallet here that helps me organize all the cash.



  1. Congratulations! We have been debt free (except house) since 2010 and have our ER fund and refinanced our home to 15 years. It is nice to find fellow Dave fans. Keep up the good work and you will get there.

    1. Congratulations to you! That is so amazing! Thank you for the words of encouragement we are so excited.

  2. This is so wonderful, congratulations! Being debt free is the only way to go. We only have a house mortgage at this point, we've cleared up / paid off all debt a couple years ago too! (not via Dave Ramsey plan, although have heard excellent things about it).
