
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

revolution in motion #2

Last Revolution in motion I wasn't as successful as I hoped I would be.
This time is going to be different. I've set a new goal and I am going to hit it. My goal for the next six weeks is to Read more. I plan to read 3 books over the next 6 weeks. I know not a huge task. I love reading. I just seem to always get distracted on other things or run out of time. Reading more is one of my goals for this year so I figured why not jump start it with a 6 week commitment.


  1. I love that goal Danielle! I have a running reading goal too. It's part of my 30 in 30 list. You should totally start up a reading list page on your blog!!!

    Thanks for linking up! Xo

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. thank you. I accidentally deleted your comment! I am super excited to get this going.

  3. I love this goal, since becoming a mom and blogging I don't read as much and I really love it.

  4. Replies
    1. I have decided to start with a stack of books I've collected over the past few years. the first two are Nicholas sparks books.

  5. This is fab. I'm reading The Snow Child. If you want an added incentive you can link up a review with me on 31st!

    1. thank you I would love to but I' m starting with a stack I've been staring at for yearsyears.

  6. Great goal. Reading is on my 13 goals for 2013... but its much less than 3 in 6 weeks. More liike 5 in the year... haha. I get what you mean about getting distracted! Good luck. Let me know if you find any good reads!
    PS- I am a new follower

    1. thanks for following! I'll be checking you out soon. you can totally reach your goal!

  7. This is awesome! I've visiting from the Resolutions in motion link up and this is my goal too! =) Hope yours goes well! =)
    Alesha <3

  8. What is your first book going to be? Reading was a part of my yearly goals as well. I get a lot more read in the summer when I'm not working.

    1. my first book is Safe Haven by Nicholas sparks. if had it for about 2 and a half years.
