
Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday's letters

This was the 5 am face of my little one.

Dear Husband, I miss you! You have been working way too much lately. Dear Alabama weather, thank you for keeping it warm. I was promised upon our move here that this would be a warm winter. Dear bama friends, cant wait to see you all for our Friday social date. Dear Cooper, I need you for my sanity to learn to sleep past 5 am. Mama is tired and you are almost 2 your time is now. Dear gym buddy, I don’t know what I would do without you. Well, actually I do know what I would do without you and it would be go to the gym. You keep me motivated when I just don’t want to. Dear Gym, be gentle. Dear extra 20 pounds, I can no longer call you baby weight he’s almost 2 so please go. Happy Friday!



  1. Awww even at 5am he is adorable!!

  2. How can you not love waking up to that face, even if it is 5am? Adorable!

    1. Adorable is so the right word and he uses it against me daily.

  3. Stopping from the linkup! What a handsome face to wake up to at 5am! :) Love your pics at the top of your blog! New follower! :)

    Would love to have you stop by & say hi!
