
Friday, November 2, 2012

DIY elastic hair tie

DIY elastic hair tie

I have to admit I am a bit of a Pinterest addict. (heres the original post)I have done so many projects and recipes I’ve lost count.
The elastic hair tie project was so easy it’s seriously took only a few minutes to complete and made a great gift.
I got my elastic off of from Elastic by the yard. It was only $4.99 for 10 yards.

All you do is measure the length you want, cut and tie a knot. A good measurement is the size of your wrist. They make great bracelets…

The hardest part of this project is deciding what colors you wanna use. I couldn't decide so I got 20 colors.


  1. Ooh, great stocking stuffer idea! Thanks for the tip!

  2. Love this! I see these everywhere and I have been wanting to make some. :)

  3. i have great things about these hair ties. i must get my hands on some and try them out myself!

    1. They are really great! I have hair that is easily tangled and these work great. Plus they look cute around my wrist!!

  4. Great idea making them yourself, just a heads up to your readers, that is fold over elastic you used, there are lots of different types of elastic by the yard. This foldover elastic is currently super popular in the fabric stores of with diaper cover making suplies and even comes with some cute prints I'm off to see what I have in my drawer:D

  5. what a great idea! i will have to try this out! thanks for the inspiration! :)

    also, just wanted to let you know that I am hosting a $100 giveaway of FULL SIZED Johnson&Johnson product (Aveeno, Baby Aveeno, Lubriderm, Listerine, Band-Aid)

  6. Awesome! I just won some of these on a blog giveaway and I love them. I should totally make some!

    Thanks for linking up on The Pinspiration Project!

  7. I love it! I've been wanting to make some, but I'm so nervous about it. Thank you for linking up to TPP.

    If you haven't already, this week's link up is live! Love to have you again with another Pinterest-inspired project.
