
The Millers

Hello all I am Danielle!

I am a wife, mom, sister, and daughter. The lord has blessed me with an amazing husband David and three beautiful children, Payton-Keltie (5), Preston (4), and Cooper (2).

We are a military family. My husband is a UH-60M pilot in the US Army Reserves. Yes, we are very much a military family even though my husband is a reservist. For most of our marriage we have been on active orders including multiple deployments and are currently stationed away from home in Fort Rucker, Al.

After college I dabbled in a whole lot of different areas. After several years in management and the arrival of Cooper our third child, I packed up and took on the roll of just being a mommy and wife. What a journey this has been.

We are not a conventional family. We are not mainstream. We don’t have cable. We don’t spend money we don’t have. We cloth diaper. We rather reduce and reuse. We believe in only buying what you can pay for. We believe in eating the healthiest foods on earth. We’re picky about what we put in and on our bodies. We are here to live the best life we can all while being good to what God has given us.

We are the Miller’s. Sweet pea pod is our little place here on earth. SWEET PEA POD is my passion. My Passion cannot be summed up into one item, design, idea, or box. SWEET PEA POD is my family. I am passionate about the people closest to me.

Hey y'all the best way to get in touch with me is by email.

If you are interested in anything in the pea pod shop email me and we can set up a custom order.


  1. I love and respect what you have written here. We do our best to live by many of these same things. Your family is beautiful!

  2. Great about page, enjoyed reading it! Happy to be getting to know you! :)

    1. Thank you! (for the email tip) your comment posted not sure why it told you no? Also not sure how to get rid of that option but thank you!

  3. Hey, Danielle! Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. I just wanted to drop by and let you know that I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Hope you check out my 7 factoids and play along. Have a great long weekend! Cheers!

  4. I think I just DIED out of cuteness seeing that carnival party! SOoooo pinning that to my pinterest haha. I'm a new follower- can't wait to read more!
