
Monday, May 6, 2013

Homemade almond milk and flour

We've been off cow milk for almost a year around here. We drink almond. For along time I have been unhappy with the amount of additives in our milk whether cow, soy or almond. 

Then the other day I hopped on Pinterest to browse around and to my surprise one of the people I was following had pinned all sorts of homemade almond milk recipes and ideas.  Then there was a light bulb... 
... I could make almond milk at home without the additives. 
So I tried a few recipes it was all fairly easy but in the end I did it my own way. 

1 cup raw almonds
4-8 cups filtered water
vanilla extract to taste

I went with a simpler recipe without added sugar and just a touch of pure vanilla extract.

1. soak raw almonds in water overnight. (just enough water to cover the almonds) This soaking process helps breakdown the almonds. You will dump this water before blending.

2. Place almonds and water 2-3 cups at a time in blender. Blend for about 2 minutes until mixture is white. 

3. Strain into either cheese cloth, nut bag or as I used a pastry cloth. If you are using a pastry cloth I would suggest wetting the cloth first just so it is damp. 

4. Squeeze extra milk from cloth. 

5. You can repeat steps 2-4 with the same almonds just simply put it back in the blender. 

After creating your homemade almond milk place it in the refrigerator for 4-6 days. 

You can make almond flour by taking the left over almond mush placing it on a baking sheet and cooking at 350 until dried about 15 minutes. After the almond mush is dried place in dry blender or food processor and pulse until flour consistency. 


  1. This is awesome! I can not have milk and love this! Thanks so much for sharing this and explaining all of the steps in detail! Pinning for future reference. Julia @

  2. Great idea! My husband LOVES almond milk and it's super expensive. I am going to have to try this with bulk almonds. I pinned this!

  3. This is a great recipe! Thank you for sharing it with us on our Brag About It Tuesday party. Please stop by weekly and share more great ideas ~~ Thanks, Sharon & Denise
