
Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's okay Thursday

It’s Thursday! I couldn’t be happier to be one day closer to the weekend. I’m not gunna sugar coat it this has been a horrible week! Just a lot going on and a lot to process. 

It’s okay...

to need a break from this crazy life. Anyone who said being a military wife was easy has never done it! 

to admit I may have signed up for a bit more than I can handle.

to want to add more to my over flowing plate.

to be excited to finally be working on getting my kiddos baptized (even if its a few years late)

to be so sad that one of my closest friends is moving away this week. I never thought this little journey of ours would bring such an amazing friend! 

to be looking into boarding school for my 3.5 year old. 

to just want to sit out side and soak in the 85 degree sun! 

to turn up the tunes and just sing it out! Somethings this is the best medicine. (it also masks the screams of the children :))

to be so excited for the 21 day health challenge to be over I just want to post before and after pics!!! 

for life to turn out different than you planned. Remember it’s not our plan that matters!

to wonder where the years have gone... Planning or thinking about my class reunion is making me feel old. 

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