
Monday, April 1, 2013

Avocado egg salad

Love egg salad? Hate all the fat from the mayo? Say hello to the avocado! Seriously, it is delicious. Tastes just like the traditional with a hint of avocado. We all know mayo is loaded with FAT! So lets cut some of it... 

This egg salad is super easy just replace your mayo with an avocado. I did add about a tea spoon of mayo just to make it cream up but thats all! 
Turn it into a super yummy lunch by heating your pita over an open flame (or in a pan will work) then layer the bottom of the pita with spinach and a few tomatoes. Stuff with your delicious avocado egg salad! 


  1. wow what a great idea, I will try this one for sure!
    Bec x

  2. This looks so yummy! I have a ton of avocado that I froze a couple of months ago - this is a perfect way to use it. Following via GFC.

    Hugs, Smiles and Blessings,
    Robin @ Fluster Buster

  3. I was just thinking about doing this today - now that I know its yummy I'm for sure going to make it. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I forgot to add that I nominated you for a Liebster Award! If you would like more information here is the link:

    2. Thank you that's so sweet of you! I hope you love it!!!

  4. Yummy!! Although I am not scared of mayo.

  5. This looks fantastic!! Love egg salad and love avocado so I can't wait to try them together!

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