
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sleepless nights creates lack of concentration

Why am I so interested in whats happening on My Little Pony? I’ll tell you why... It has been a rough start to the week. I’m not going to lie I have had little motivation to get going in the morning. We have had one sick kiddo after another. Last night I clung to the side of the bed while my 5 year old made her sneezy, coughing, booggery self comfortable. My husband slept like a baby! ERRRR being a mom. 

On a way happier and more positive note I made the most delicious treat this morning. Banana oatmeal cookies


  1. Forget sleeping like a baby....I want to sleep like a husband. I saw that on pinterest somewhere LOL. The cookies look yummy!

  2. Wow your baby is a little angel, your blog is very interesting and beautiful, congratulations and kisses from Spain.
