
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pillow mats

For Christmas this year I made pillow mats for my 3 nephews. I found all sorts of tutorials on Pinterest but nothing that I thought was that great. I wanted to personalize these mats and make them totally awesome! Each of the mats I made are completely different and have my nephews names stitched onto it. (my wonderful friend Lyn helped me with this part!)

I originally planned on writing this post around Christmas when I actually finished the pillow mats. But then my computer was struck by lightening and I lost a lot of stuff!  Including my how to pictures for these awesome mats :( 

So I am going to try to explain the process without pictures. 

Materials (to make 1):
Sewing machine
two twin flat sheets (one sheet can be used however you will just have one color mat)
4 over stuffed standard size pillows

Okay now for my steps:

  1. Cut the sheets length wise
  2. pick your color combination and sew the finished sides together. This will create a large piece of fabric that can be folded length wise (kinda like a letter)
  3. After sewing the top and bottom you will continue to sew horizontal lines creating 4 pockets for your pillows (the pockets will be like sham pillow cases)
  4. Insert pillow!


  1. Great Project! I like that the pillows are removable for easy washing. Thanks for sharing. ;o)

  2. Fun project, thanks for sharing.

  3. Stopping over from Artsy Fartsy Mama! These are awesome! I am so going to have to make my boys some for movie time!

    1. They totally use them for movie night at their house! Perfect for that!
