
Thursday, March 7, 2013

It's okay

This week has been a overwhelming. I wish I could say that being one day from the weekend would make things better. Sadly even the weekend cannot get me out of my own head. 
The week hasn’t been all bad Payton’s soccer team won their first two games!!!! 2-0 Whoop whoop proud mommy here. 

Okay on to it...

It’s okay...
... that a bus stop full of kids stared at my screaming child for 5 minutes. Then proceeded to tell me what was wrong with him. just want said screaming child to be quiet. miss high school. be so excited for a trip that is months ahead. be unsure of what to think or how to react when someone from your past walks back into your life. 

1 comment:

  1. I nominated you for the Liebster Award :) Head on over to my blog to find out what it is and how to participate :)

