
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Burlaps burlap {a table runner FAIL}

Right? All burlap is created equal. NO! It's not! Not all burlap is the same. A sad lesson I learned. One day a while back I was busy super busy studying Pinterest. I found some too cute to pass up projects using burlap. I was in love. So later that week I took a trip to Hobby lobby and bought 4 yards of the only burlap they had.

My first project a table runner. Not only was this project inexpensive, it was easy to do, took just a few minutes to complete and was so cute.

When I was finished making the runner I was surprised at how much I like it. Okay! Yes, you read the title correctly there is a fail coming along. 

My lovely husband spilled spaghetti sauce on the table runner day 2... Without even thinking about it I put the runner into the washer and proceeded to wash it... Big mistake. Apparently, burlap is not all the same. There is burlap that has more of a fabric texture to it. This burlap can be washed. The burlap I got not so much. When I pulled the table runner out of the washer it was a tangled mess. Completely ridiculous and wasn't savable. I do plan on purchasing some "fabric" style burlap and making another table runner. 


  1. Oh, no! Poor table runner! So sad to see a good project go bad.

  2. Ha! Oh well. You live and you learn right? It looked GREAT before the wash! PS - I'm jealous of your pictures below. I need a vacay STAT! :)

    1. I need another vacay too!!! Mexico was way too long ago.

  3. Oh, I'm sorrry to hear about that! I wish you could make another lovely table runner.
    Would love to have you visit me sometime.
    Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  4. So sorry to hear this! I think we all live and learn like someone already said.
    Also I think you left too long fringes so that also caused the problem of not nice look of table runner after washing. Surely it depends on dense of fabric as well - no doubt!
    All the best!

  5. Danielle
    Thanks for sharing! Burlap looks a little "fragile" but good to know. I love decorating with burlap but haven't tried to wash it yet.
    I found you today from Sugar Bee's Linky. I hope you can stop by my blog and leave a comment, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206

  6. ohhh that was a good idea! I hate using bulap:( We don't see eye to eye at all:) Lesson learned! Try and try again:)

  7. Oh No! What a mess...but it really was super cute! I would totally remake it...I'm visiting from the Talkin' about Thursday blog hop! Stop by and say hi sometime!

  8. Danielle, I love the table runner! You can use this year around! Thanks for linking up to Talkin’ About Thursday link party. I hope you will come back this week too!
