
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We might just be living out of our car

It’s a good thing I love my car because in a few months that might be our residence.

All joking aside, my husband and I will be jobless and homeless come June and I’m getting scared. I gave up my good paying job almost 2 years ago to be home with the kiddos.  At first I wasn't sure if being a stay at home mom was for me. I had been working for a long time and I loved what I was doing.  It was however the best choice for our children. I’ve grown to love it. There are so many things I would have missed, like my boys fork feeding the dog their refried beans (no really this is happening as I type this). 

My days at home might be numbered. We are unsure of my husbands job situation after June therefore we both are looking for employment. Just in case. I’m sad about this. As much as I loved working in the past I hate to imagine my days not being filled with kisses and hugs. 

So in this time of uncertainty I have turned to the one thing that has been certain in my life, my faith in God. I find myself in a prayerful state more now than ever before. I am not praying for the things I want but for what he has provided, for wisdom in our next steps, and for the Lord to be with us during this journey. 

Today at MCCW (Military Catholic Council for Women) we listened to a song that puts our relationship with our savior into prospective.
The song What I need by Collin Raye here's just a bit of the beautiful lyrics. 

'Cause I prayed for strength 
And I got pain that made me strong 
I prayed for courage 
And got fear to overcome 
When I prayed for faith 
My empty heart brought me to my knees 
I don't always get what I want 
I get what I need 

Words that I believe we all need to hear sometimes. God may not always give us what we want he does however give what we need. I know many times in my life I have thought he's not listening. Now, looking back I don't think thats it I think I was reading what God was giving. 


  1. Praying for you, Danielle! Hopefully everything will fall into place =)

    1. Thank you Kristin! Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
