
Monday, February 11, 2013

Uneventful but good

Hello world it is MONDAY! I actually enjoy Monday. Monday is always the start of another week but for me it’s back to routine and normalcy after a weekend of no structure. 

We didn’t do much this weekend but it was great. Payton and I worked on her Valentine box for school, we played board games, played at the Park, went to the farmers market (more on that in a minute) and played hide and seek. 

My little gal LOVES crafts so lets just say she was in heaven when her and I put together her Valentine box for school. She did a really great job. And other than some spelling I let her do most the work. Go me! 

Many nights before bed the kids will ask to play hide and seek. The game in itself is so funny/ Preston can’t stay quiet long enough to hide, Cooper points out hiding places and eventually the game turns into a man hunt for the well hid adults. Cooper is especially funny when the “it” person is counting, he counts too... (he does this during time outs too) 

Okay, on to the market. We are vegetable freaks in this family. We eat a diet primarily of whole grains and veggies and more than not we enjoy trying new veggies. That being said OMG collard greens were nasty! I really tried to like them. I kept trying to rationalize the taste with the nutritional advantages but I couldn’t do it. I’m not sure if it was how I prepared them but yuck! I have a few more recipes to try out and plan on putting them in my 15 bean soup tonight but Im not sure about these greens. 

Vegetarian collard green recipes now being accepted. 

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