
Friday, December 21, 2012

An early visit from Santa

Things may go quiet around here for a few days… I hope not but we shall see. Just incase I wanted to squeeze in this last post before we hop in the car and head up to Tennessee.

We were lucky this year! I talked to Santa and he agreed to visit our house early so we could spend “Christmas” morning together in our home before going to visit family.

Santa came on Wednesday night after we were all fast asleep. This year was especially fun. This year we had two little believers who totally knew what was up. Our youngest is almost two so he didn’t quite get it, but he sure did help unwrap and play.

Payton man I wish everyone could see this kids face. In her stocking she got a Barbie pop star DVD (I’m sure we will be watching this in the car today). I don’t think I have ever seen this kids eyes so big, her face so bright and for the first time in her life she could barley form words all she kept saying was oh my, oh my, its its.

All Preston wanted for Christmas this year was a blue soccer ball and boy oh boy was he excited to see not only a soccer ball but also a basketball and football. Boys and their balls you couldn’t make him a happier boy. He also got a scooter and some action figures and animal planet dinos (we all had a blast reenacting Jurassic park).

And Cooper well he just had a good time. He helped unwrap the first 2 or 3 presents. He then went off and played with them and came back to help with a few more along the way. ( I had the older two unwrap most of his)

We had a beautiful day! The weather wasn’t great but the rain stopped about 3 and we took the kids outside to try out their new stuff. I wish everyday could be just like that one! The kids were so happy and so thankful.

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