
Thursday, November 22, 2012

thankful Thanksgiving


I have wonderful people in my life and I am so thankful for everyone one of them. I haven’t decided yet whether I think Thanksgiving is a good or a bad thing. After all, shouldn’t we be thankful for all the Lord has given us everyday, but then we aren’t, so its kinda great that we have a day to remind us how amazing everything really is.
This year like most in the past I am so lucky to get to go home for the holiday. Being in the Army this doesn’t always happen for everyone. I am thankful my family gets to spend Thanksgiving at my brother’s house with his beautiful family and my parent.
I will be out of town until late Sunday so there most likely not be a blog update until Sunday or even Monday just know there will be lots of fun and lots of pictures when I return. I am bringing my computer, which is funny since it’s not a laptop (my tech savvy big bro is helping me with something) but still not likely I’ll have time.
I am a blessed women and I have so much to be thankful for especially this year. I have an amazing husband who puts his family before himself on a daily basis. He truly is an amazing gift from God. He puts up with me not an easy task. I am thankful that he works incredibly hard so I don’t have to, allowing me to stay home and spend time with our children.
I am thankful for the beautiful children I have. They are each so amazing all in their own ways. A few months ago I’m not sure I would have been so happy to write this (we found out three was all we would ever have) I am thankful to be done having children and to watch these ones grow every day.
I am more than Thankful for my amazing parents and their good health. I can’t even think about what life will be like when they are not here. I am so blessed to have my parents.

I am thankful for my brother, his wonderful wife Jess, two people who accept me for who I am and love me for it, their three beautiful children. I am so lucky to get to see the kids grow and change; I would do anything for them.
Grams, we may not get to see each other as much as either of us would like but you are an amazing women and so much of who I am today.
I am thankful for all of my family and friends, the Army, and to live in a nation where we have a say.
I am a blessed women I just wish it didn’t take a holiday hidden at the end of November to see it.

1 comment:

  1. You are so blessed with a wonderful husband and adorable babies! Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving:)
