
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lost puppies

I've never been that girl who brings the sad lost puppy home. You know the kind or you might even be the kind. I have a soft heart but it's not for the cute fluffy ones.
According to my husband I bring home sad, lonely, and lost furniture. I've brought homes some crazy stuff, desks on their last legs, dressers with drawers that couldn't be fixed, buffets with vainer missing, random wood, oh the list could go on. At first my husband couldn't see the potential, at first my husband thought I was NUTS. Now, he enters the situation with an open mind and an open heart.
I even see him eyeballing things as we drive down the street.
It's not that I hate to buy things new (but I do hate paying full price). I feel bad for the piece of work. Most everything I gather, usually craigslist finds, are super cheap like $20-$30 and someone just wants it GONE! How sad. This is going somewhere… There is a big reveal coming up:
Here she is in all her ugly glory!

Lovely color huh? To be honest I didn't think the color was all that bad. But it was done so so bad.
There were like 5 coats of brushed on latex paint. We used a paint stripper this got most of the paint off and we only had to do a mild sand.

Once we got all the paint off we found the top piece to be in GREAT shape. I was excited. I think I did a dance. My husband looked at me like I was nuts. But anyways good top = stain not paint!

I love spray paint. I painted the bottom with Valspar spray paint. Here she is in her new found glory living in our dining room as a bar:

What do you think? Do you like the wood paint combo? Let me know.
The Girl Creativemaking monday marvelous linky party
Sumo's Sweet Stuff
Our Delightful Home


  1. love the dresser and the wood paint combo-- so cute!!

  2. Love the red color! I am following you now too! :)

  3. This turned out so GOOD! I love it.

  4. I love how you left the top natural! That looks amazing : )

  5. I didn't heaps mind the before colour but the red looks fantastic! and I love the natural top. You did a great job.

    1. The pictures really make it look tons better than it was prior to the red makeover. Thank you for the great comments!

  6. Looks awesome! I really like the red with the natural top. What a great find! Found you through Work It Wednesday {#10} and started following you through Bloglovin'.
