
Monday, October 29, 2012

Have you ever had something

Something that you connected with? I have. It may seem silly but I grew up with and connected with a TV show. This even sounds silly to me as I write this but that show has changed and molded my life over the past 9 years. One Tree hill, has been a big part of my life. It has been a big part of me bridging from high school to college and after. No, I didn’t get pregnant or married in high school nor did my school undergo tragedy, but I connected I felt their feelings and emotions. My oldest daughter is even named after one of the shows cast members Pa{e}yton.

The series ended earlier this year about 5 months ago and today I finally set that part of my life behind me. It’s taken me this long to watch the last episode for 2 reasons: 1 we don’t have cable and had to wait for it to be released on Netflix and 2 I didn’t want it to end. I cried during the final episode not because it was sad but because it was over; I cried with happy tears too. Just like the characters on the show I was grown up now. My life was different and it was time. Have you ever had something…

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