
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How to build a towel hanger for less than $10

I have always been fascinated with nautical themes. For as long as I’ve been a mom my kid’s bathroom has been decorated in blues with a nautical touch. While preparing for an upcoming series on home organization I came to the conclusion that in order to keep a clean bathroom and less laundry I needed a towel holder. So, I went searched stores yes, I found some that would work but nothing I loved in my price range and the ones I loved were more than I was willing to spend. Even the ones on Esty were close to $50. I decided to build one myself it was easy and super inexpensive.

This towel hanger cost less than $10. It looks awesome.

Here's the step by step tutorial:
Supply list:

1 precut board about 2 feet long
Twine or ribbon


Sand and paint board with base color let dry and paint with main color. I choose to paint the board white first then navy over the top. The effect of this will be seen in a few steps.

Step 2:

If you are using words on your hanger. I printed my words then traced over the top of them with a ball point pen. The force of the pen will leave an impression in the wood allowing you to follow these lines while painting.

Step 3:


Step 4:
I did a rough sand of the entire board to get a more rustic look. This is where the white paint comes in.

Step 5:
Apply hooks and string, twine, or ribbon. You don't want to apply the twine too tight you will move it slightly to drill thorough the board and into the wall then move it back over the screw so the screw head can't be seen. ** The nail that appears to be holding the board is just for looks**

New lovey

Beautifully fun new lovey

Who who who doesn't love owls….

Comparison vs joy

Comparison is the thief of joy. – Theodore Roosevelt

I came across this quote some time ago I knew I wanted to blog the subject but I never had a strong reason to until now.

About 3 years ago my husband and I decided we were going to “live like nobody else so we could live like nobody else,” Dave Ramsey, we never looked back. We love who we are as a family and where we are. If you are unfamiliar with the meaning behind the Ramsey quote he is talking about living financially responsible no matter what it takes so that later in your life you can live however you want responsibly.

We never cared when we had less, or that we were eating beans and rice weekly. We could see the greater outcome the purpose. Comparison wasn’t an issue and it still isn’t in that part of our life we still scrimp and save. Heck, we’ve got three kids to send to college.

With all that being said… in my personal life things are a bit different. Since moving on post earlier this year and are now living in close proximity to so many people comparison has begun to appear. I find myself thinking about other moms and kids, how they raise their children, how clean their homes are, how smart the kids are stuff that shouldn’t matter to me. These are the little things that I kept finding myself thinking about throughout the day.

I didn’t think it was really that big of a deal until we were having dinner with some friends. I was showing my friend, a new mom, all the new and fun things we were doing and that the kids were doing. I could see it in her eyes. She was overwhelmed in daily life trying to balance her new role and I was showing her all the great things I could do with three kids.

Comparison is the thief of joy, such a true and eye-opening statement. We are who and where we are for a reason. Who cares what Jane Smith down the street is doing. To my friend- you are an amazing mom. You are doing a great job. Being a mom is the hardest job you will ever do, it’s worth it though. You will get better and things get easier.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Oatmeal cookies

Oatmeal cookies are special to me. Not special because they are my favorite cookie but special because of the memories that go along with them. Growing up I can remember being in the kitchen with my dad baking away. We baked all sorts of things! Cookies, cakes, pies, brownies, the list could go on and on. I loved making cookies but boy oh boy was I BAD at it. I over melted the butter they came out flat, I forgot how many cups of flour I had already added they tasted funny, I over beat, I forgot the timer, I did EVERYTHING wrong, but my dad ate them with a smile. Even with all my mess-ups we still made them year after year together.

Thankfully, I have now mastered the art of the cookie. These oatmeal cookies are truly delicious even though they are without nuts and raisins (the hubby isn’t a fan).

The big pouty lip indicates deep concentration.


1 cup butter softened

1 cup white sugar

1 cup packed brown sugar

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

3 cups oats

Directions In a medium bowl, cream together butter, white sugar, and brown sugar.

Beat in eggs one at a time, then stir in vanilla. Combine flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon; stir into the creamed mixture.

Mix in oats. Cover, and chill dough for at least one hour. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets. Roll the dough into walnut sized balls, and place 2 inches apart on cookie sheets. Flatten each cookie with a large fork dipped in sugar.

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in preheated oven.

Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

Have you ever had something

Something that you connected with? I have. It may seem silly but I grew up with and connected with a TV show. This even sounds silly to me as I write this but that show has changed and molded my life over the past 9 years. One Tree hill, has been a big part of my life. It has been a big part of me bridging from high school to college and after. No, I didn’t get pregnant or married in high school nor did my school undergo tragedy, but I connected I felt their feelings and emotions. My oldest daughter is even named after one of the shows cast members Pa{e}yton.

The series ended earlier this year about 5 months ago and today I finally set that part of my life behind me. It’s taken me this long to watch the last episode for 2 reasons: 1 we don’t have cable and had to wait for it to be released on Netflix and 2 I didn’t want it to end. I cried during the final episode not because it was sad but because it was over; I cried with happy tears too. Just like the characters on the show I was grown up now. My life was different and it was time. Have you ever had something…

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cinnamon rolls

My husband works incredibly hard for our family. So like any good wife I made breakfast for him and the guys he works with. For a man who doesn't like too many sweets he sure does love his cinnamon rolls. I found this cinnamon roll recipe on Pinterest. The recipe is originally from Valley Ridge Recipes. These guys take just about an hour to make! Which if you've ever made from scratch cinnamon rolls you know is amazing. The second time I made these I did change up the recipe just a tad… instead of the amount sugar and cinnamon suggested for the inner portion of the roll I doubled it. Doubling the cinnamon and sugar made for a sweeter more cinnamon gooey roll.